Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Seoul Global Centre: To Service and Help Foreigner's and Make Friendly and Easy to Adapt with Korean Environment.

We can count South Korea among the develop and fast moving countires. Specially Seoul city is becomming one of the busiest city like New York, London and Tokyo. Seoul city is becomming a cosmopolitan city where people from different countries are rapidly increasing.

With this rapid increasing foreigner's the rapidity of inconvinient is all there as Korea is not an english speaking country. In this case, people find most difficulties in communication. Different people come here to establish trade and commerce, joint the company, as a tourist etc and etc.

Here , we can imagine how the foreigners challanges with lot's of difficulties. Since they are not fimiliar with language, culture, as well as with the Korean environment.To make comfortable and make ajustable with the new environment the Seoul Global Center was established in January 2008 (originally as Seoul Help Center founded as early as in June 2003). The SGC offers expert services to foreigners, advising them on how to have a comfortable living experience as well as helping them to enjoy the local culture to the full.

The Seoul Global Center offers a wide range of services from business consultations, various educational courses, international exchange events, to comprehensive administrative services.

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